At the WA state convention i think we did quite good for a show that there were more standard chins there, then just mine,
My prince Henrey got a blue and 2nd out of 5 Sr. bucks, i also bought my lady dian at this show and she got 2nd Jr doe out
of 3 (she should have got 1st jr doe, the one that got it had major brown tinting); my Raven (JW) got a blue and 2nd out of
alot (i don't remember how many there were), for self Sr. does, my Ruben (JW) i think got a red for being in a molt, other
then that the judge really liked him; my Butterscotch (NZ) got DQ'd for being just under wieght, but the judge also really
like him too.
At the evergreen fair my Prince Derek got B.O.B. and his mother Princes Odette got B.O.S. (standard chinchilas) my Raven
also got B.O.B.(jersey wooly)
At the spring show I only took my vally #510 and he got B.O.B.
And fit'n'show I got res. champ.
At the st. patty's day show I took my two stan. chins.
one jersy and one black mini rex
Odette #26NR got B.O.B
Vally #510 got B.O.S.
Ruby #1 jersy got B.O.S.
#18NR black mini got B.O.V.
#27NR |
At previuse shows Odette and Vally have gone back and forth with B.O.B. and B.O.S.
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I am Taking a break from showing till I finish School